What You Should Do If You Are Involved In a Pedestrian Accident

The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) claims that there are about 76,000 injuries suffered each year including a motor vehicle and that nearly a 5000 are killed simply because they wanted to cross the street. There are also thousands of injuries to pedestrians with no motor vehicle involved. Click here to read more about these statistics.

As most of us know being in any accident can be a traumatic event. Keep all options open if you have been in an accident as a pedestrian. Legal options can help to compensate the injured victim, their lost wages, medical bills, et cetera. Visit this site to see the options that remain open for an injured pedestrian.

Hitting a pedestrian at an average speed of about 30 mph (miles per hour) can cause serious injuries and sometimes fatalities. It is also traumatic for the driver as sometimes it is hard to stop on a dime or avoid an accident with a pedestrian that walks out from in between cars parked on the road, i.e. not in the cross walk. In this case, the driver of the car has some options legally as well. Click here to find out more about this.

No one can really know the amount of accidents that occur each year with or without a motor vehicle because not all of these accidents are reported, as the injuries might just be bruises and abrasion. The pedestrian should, as mentioned, keep their legal options open, and write down the license plate of the car with which you had the non-traumatic injury accident.

If the pedestrian is simply skateboarding along and falls, it is doubtful they can take legal action against themselves. So click here to read more about the placing of different objects around the city that a pedestrian can harm himself or herself on.


Personal Injury Lawyer – Tips to Help You Prepare For Your First Meeting

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It can prove to be a major waste of time for both you and the personal injury lawyer if you are not prepared for your very first encounter.

Unpreparedness can cost you money as it will take the attorney that you choose to hire a considerable amount of time to get up to speed with the case at hand.

So learn here how to make your first meeting productive and how to be prepared for it.

Your Background

First, the lawyer will have and want to know who you how, how they can contact you and have some information on your personal background.

The attorney might even go to an extent of sending a questionnaire for you to fill.

In the event that he does, be sure to take time to fill it with precise and honest information, and send it back to his office before you meet.

Any Conflicts of Interest?

To avoid any problems in during the case, the lawyer will need to know of any possible conflicts of interests.

As such, you should prepare a list of all the individuals and the companies that are involved and don't forget to include all the witnesses.

In the event the attorney is representing anyone else on the other side, he will not be able to represent you in court.

Bring All Documentation

Have a written document about your personal injury and all the damages that you sustained as this will prove to very important in your case.

Do this even if the lawyer does not ask for it during the first meeting, it is still a good idea to have it before-hand.

Have all the copies of police reports, accidents reports, copy of hospital records, bills from all the health care providers, a description of your interaction with the insurance company and reports from the doctors on your diagnosis and prognosis.

Be Well Prepared With Questions

You will also need to prepared beforehand some of the questions that you will ask the lawyer beforehand.

For this, you will have to go online and do some research to get more information on this and more!